Staff Handbook
Introduction to the Staff Handbook
This handbook is addressed to Pitzer College (“the College”) staff employees. This handbook is intended to provide general guidance on policies of the College and on the benefits and services of Pitzer College and The Claremont Colleges.
This handbook is not intended as, and shall not be considered a contract between the College and its employees. The employment relationship between staff members and the College is at-will.
This handbook supersedes all previous handbooks and policies, other than the policy of at-will employment which only may be changed by a written document signed by the President of the College. In addition, this handbook supersedes all prior management memoranda to the extent that such memoranda contradict a subject or policy covered herein.
The policies and information in this handbook are subject to change at the discretion of the College. We will notify you of these changes by appropriate means. Changes will be effective on the dates determined by the College, and you may not rely on policies that have been superseded.
For more detailed information on current policies consult with your supervisor or the Office of Human Resources.
The Office of Human Resources
The Office of Human Resources for Pitzer College (“Human Resources”) is available to answer questions about employment, benefits, working conditions, and other personnel matters. The Human Resources office also provides liaison among staff members, college administrators and Claremont University Consortium (CUC) Office of Benefits Administration. Human Resources staff members will assist you if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns relating to your job and Pitzer personnel policies and practices. You can contact the Human Resources team at (909) 621-8254 or extension 18254 from a campus phone, or by email at The office is located in McConnell Center, Suite 310 on the third floor and is open from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Your Supervisor
In this handbook, we often refer to “your supervisor.” You may have been interviewed by more than one Pitzer employee, but actually work under the direction of a single administrator or faculty member. For clarity, we refer to the individual to whom you directly report, regardless of title, as your supervisor. Generally, the responsibilities of the supervisor include assigning and scheduling work, evaluating performance and monitoring attendance and other records. If you do not know the name of your supervisor, please contact the Human Resources office.
Your First Days of Employment
New employees receive a packet of materials, including information regarding the location and contents of this handbook, and brochures describing various opportunities and benefits. You will also be scheduled for a New Hire Orientation with a member of the Human Resources team and will be provided additional employment information. It is your responsibility to read these materials carefully. Each new employee is required to sign a form acknowledging receipt of this handbook and agreeing to comply with its provisions.
During your first days with the College, the Human Resources office and your supervisor will provide you with specific information about your department, including your work schedule, working conditions, special regulations, and other applicable practices. If appropriate, a Benefits Orientation will be scheduled for you with the CUC Benefits Administration Office.
Employee Identification Card
The Human Resources office authorizes the issuance of photo-identification cards to eligible employees when first employed. You must have this identification card on your person while on Pitzer’s campus and be prepared to show it if asked to do so by a Campus Safety officer or campus administrator. These cards are considered college property and must be surrendered at the time of the termination of your employment. If you do not have a Pitzer College employee identification card, or have lost it, please contact a member of the Human Resources team at (909) 621-8254 or for assistance in replacing it.
Last updated: 9/18/15